Lavinia Picollo

Assistant Professor

NUS Department of Philosophy

I am an Assistant Professor at NUS Department of Philosophy.

My research is in philosophical logic, formal metaphysics, and the philosophy of logic and mathematics. I have a special interest in logical inferentialism, logicality, the exceptionalism vs anti-exceptionalism debate, logical pluralism, deflationism about truth and satisfaction, neologicism, conventionalism, quantifier variance, mathematical and arithmetical pluralism,  categoricity and determinacy in mathematics, reference and content, propositions, properties, and classes, and absolute generality. I'm also interested in epistemology, philosophy of language, and metaphysics broadly construed. 

I received my PhD from the University of Buenos Aires in 2015. After that I spent a year as a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies and two years as an Assistant Professor at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP), both at LMU Munich. Between 2018 and 2022 I've been a Lecturer at UCL.

I'm a member of the London Group for Formal Philosophy, the MCMP, the Buenos Aires Logic Group, the Argentinian Society of Philosophical Analysis, and the Logicians' Liberation League.

Office: 3 Arts Link Block AS3, Room #05-10, NUS, 117570

Phone number: +65 6516 3485

Mailing address: 3 Arts Link Block AS3, #05-22, NUS, 117570